
Importance of protein for Indians and their minimum daily requirement

The speaker  discusses the importance of protein for Indians and their minimum daily requirement, dispelling the myth that high protein diets cause kidney damage. They emphasize the positive effects of vegan protein diets on gut health and immunity. They advise against beef and pork due to their increased risk of colon cancer and recommend a balanced approach to vegetarianism and veganism.

The speaker also discusses the evolutionary history of humans and their dietary habits, arguing that while humans were originally hunter-gatherers and ate meat, their bodies have adapted to a plant-based diet over time. They point to the Hasta tribe in India, whose gut bacteria are similar to those of people who eat a vegetarian diet. Palarian, a vegetarian diet consisting of three meals a day and seven days a week, is suggested for patients.

The speaker advises against beef and pork due to their increased risk of colon cancer and encourages colonoscopies at the age of 50 in the United States but not in India. They discuss the issue of vegetarianism versus non-vegetarianism, arguing that extremes such as keto, pure veganism, and a fully vegetarian lifestyle are not sustainable for everyone. They suggest running trials for moderation and sustainability, emphasizing the importance of lifelong adoption of this technique.

Furthermore, the speaker emphasizes the importance of fiber for gut health, stressing the need to include it in every meal for both children and adults. They recommend limiting red meat consumption to twice a week or less and provide examples of better sources of protein such as white meat and fish.

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GlobalBox worldbin

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